Houjiling Jiaonang 咽喉消炎膠囊 (SORE THROAT Herbal Cure)

$10.25 CAD

NPN: 80050258

20 capsules



Traditional Chinese Medicine used to clear toxic heat and dispel phlegm, used for sore throat. 

Medical Ingredients:

Niu xi (Achyranthes bidentata)...24mg

Bing pian (Borneolum syntheticum)... 3.4mg

Ren gong niuhuang (Bos Taurus)... 3.4mg

Lian qiao (Forsythia suspensa)... 20mg

Zao jia (Gleditsia sinensis) ... 4mg

Zhen zhu (Hyriopsis cumingii)... 3.4mg

Song lan (Isatis tinctoria)... 24mg

Jie geng (Platycondon grandiflorus)... 24mg

Shan dou gen (Sophora tonkinensis)... 40.1mg

He zi (Teminalia chebula)... 14.15mg

He zi (Teminalia chebula)... 14.15mg

Gua lou (Trichosanthes kirilowii)... 40.1mg

Liao ge wang (Wikstroemia indica)... 40.1mg


Non-Medical Ingredients:

Cellulos, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Magnesium stearate, Talc


Recommended Use:

For adults, take 3 to 4 capsules, 3 times daily.

Additional Dosage Information: 1 capsule = 0.25g



If symptoms persist or worsen, or if new symptoms develop, consult a health care practitioner. If you are taking prescription medication, consult a health care practitioner prior to use.

Do not use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. 

For prolonged use, consult a health care practitioner.

Store protected form light and moisture.

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