Harmoniously Herbal
Effective Pain Relief with 701 Dieda Plaster & Alternatives
After much wait and anticipation, our 701 Dieda Zhentong Yaogao Medicated Plaster 跌打镇痛膏 is back in stock in limited quantities! For those of you that don't know why it's so highly...
Watermelon Frost: the 'oral elixir'
Watermelon Frost is named the 'oral elixir' for its immediate effects on canker sores, nasopharyngitis, larngitis, toothache due to the excessive internal heat, swollen and aching gum, stomatitis, non acclimation, stiff tongue, scalds, burns traumas, etc,.
Pain: A Story of Communication
"Where there is stasis, there is pain".
What does our pain say to us? And how do we respond?