Harmoniously Herbal
Understand Acupuncture: What is it and how does it work
Acupuncture, an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), involves inserting fine, sterile needles into specific points on the body to stimulate sensory nerves and restore qi flow. Qi flows...
2 Easy Acupoint massages for the Summer!
"Heart" in Traditional Chinese medicine represents two meanings: One is the physical heart, and the other is the spiritual heart. Nourishing the heart not only protects your physical body, but...
Last Solar Eclipse of our lifetime! + Eye Health Tips
Today is April 8th, 2024, the day that the Solar Eclipse will visit the GTA! Did you know that the last time this happened in our region it was 1925?...
Traditional Chinese Medicine for Medical Emergencies
When talking about medical emergencies, few people would think of Traditional Chinese Medicine. However, TCM can also be used for emergencies - it has actually been a go-to for practitioners...